In the diet to gain weight, you should consume more calories than the body spends, which can be achieved by eating every 3 hours, avoiding skipping meals and adding healthy, nutritious and caloric foods in the diet such as olive oil, fruit shakes , oats, avocado and nuts, bodybuilder, or just want to get your best body ever, legal steroids can help.

Upper Chest

1. Eat every 3 hours

Eating every 3 hours is very important to increase calorie consumption throughout the day and promote weight gain, because more calories must be ingested than the body expends. Likewise, a good daily balance of both calories from carbohydrates and proteins and fats must be maintained, this will also promote the increase of muscle mass.

2. Include protein in all meals

Including proteins in every meal of the day makes the levels of amino acids in the blood remain constant throughout the day, promoting good post-workout muscle recovery. Proteins are present in foods such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cheeses and yogurt, being very important to make snacks with efficient combinations such as a chicken and cheese sandwich with whole wheat bread or toast with cheese and yogurt.

3. Eat at least 3 fruits per day

Eating at least 3 fruits per day and eating salad at lunch and dinner helps to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals in the diet, which are essential for the proper functioning of metabolism and to promote weight gain and muscle mass. The fruits can be eaten fresh, in the form of juices or smoothies or dried fruits, and can be included in snacks or as a dessert for lunch or dinner.

4. Consume good fats

Foods that are good sources of fats such as peanuts, almonds, walnuts, avocados, coconut, olive oil, flaxseed oil and seeds in general, are excellent options for increasing dietary calories with little volume of food. In addition to this, these fats also help to gain muscle mass and do not stimulate the accumulation of fat in the body.

5. Drink at least 2.5 L of water per day

Drinking plenty of water and staying well hydrated is essential for gaining muscle mass, since hypertrophy, which is the increase in the size of muscle cells, only occurs if the cells are well hydrated.

6. Perform physical activity

To ensure that the extra calories are transformed into muscle and not fat, it is important to be physically active 3 to 5 times a week, mainly muscle exercises and non-aerobics. The ideal is to consult a physical trainer or physical education teacher so that you can carry out an exercise routine appropriate to your individual needs.

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