What are nootropics? Nootropics are a class of nutracueticals, natural compounds, and dietary supplements that provide users with benefits to cognitive function. While there is a wide range of nootropics on the market, most work by augmenting the way your brain processes biochemicals, stimulating the nervous system, or optimizing oxygen supply to the brain. The results can include serious boosts to short-term or working memory, focus, motivation, and mental clarity. Looking for a productive mental edge? There’s a nootropic for you.

Do Nootropics work?


Nootropics do work. But the truth is, not all of them are created equal. The Best Nootropics Guide was created to help you navigate the confusing world of dietary supplements that benefit the brain. Scientific evidence in human trials is a great indication of a nootropic’s efficacy, but because many of these compounds are so new (and therefore under-researched), the user experience is also an important factor. Some nootropics also have adverse side effects for some users that you should be aware of before you begin your smart drug regimen. This site provides information about nootropics that are proven to give you real, noticeable benefits to cognitive function. We also introduce nootropic stacks that take advantage of the synergistic relationship between effective neuro-enhancers for a potent, well-rounded edge.

The Best Nootropics Guide

Intelligence is infamously difficult to measure. For instance, an IQ test can give you a rough approximation, but it doesn’t take into account all kinds of factors, such as motivation, energy level, and short-term memory. Luckily, nootopics can help. The Best Nootropics Guide recommends looking for products and nootropic stacks that include some of the following:

Noopept: A derivative of the racetam family of smart drugs that kicked off the nootropics industry, noopept is an ultra-effective compound that delivers several boosts at once. With a proven impact on short-term memory and a noticeable effect on anxiety and clarity, this neuroprotective compound will increase your productivity, enhance the fluidity of your conversation, and sharpen your focus for hours.

Sulbutiamine: A derivative of the naturally occurring vitamin thiamine, sulbutiamine provides proven benefits to mental energy and working memory. It also helps to protect your brain by reducing oxygen and glucose deprivation, which can lead to cellular death. This effective supplement should be in everyone’s nootropic stack.

Acetyl-L-carnitine, or ALCAR: Your body produces energy through intercellular processes carried out by your mitochondria. ALCAR is already used in this process to generate both mental and physical energy. Supplementing with ALCAR has proven beneficial for energy levels and fatigue, improving overall cognitive ability. ALCAR will help you make the most of your day.

PRL 8-147: A fairly new compound, PRL 8-147 (and associated compounds like PRL-8-53) might be the most potent nootropic ever developed. Not only does it show significant (as high as 31%) improvement in memory in trials with mice, but human experiments demonstrate substantial improvement in word recollection tests relative to placebo. Want to remember names, facts, or even where you left your keys? The PRL class of compounds is for you.

The secret is out: Nootropics work. Now is the time to finally get that mental edge you’ve been looking for. Try one of the nootropic stacks below and find out how much you can get out of your day.

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